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How Does the Oedipal Complex Resolve?

How Does the Oedipal Complex Resolve? Oedipus complex refers to the son–father competition for possession of his mother that occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development. The male child resolves it by crushing the hostility against and identifying with his father and repressing his feelings for his mother. The child takes on the mannerisms, standards, and behaviours of his father, and in this way, the superego develops at six. Trigger for the Resolution When the Oedipus complex forms, the boy remains in a constant conflict. He directs his libido towards his mother and develops an emotional rivalry with his father. Because of this rivalry, he wants to kill the father, but because of his position; becomes fearful that his father might castrate him—we call this castration anxiety.  Use of defences Defence mechanisms provide momentary relief of the conflict between the id and the ego. Repression and identification are the two mechanisms that help with this.  Repression

Cognitive Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis

Impairment of learning, abstraction, memory, and problem-solving occur in patients with multiple sclerosis. These impairments are present in 40% of patients with multiple sclerosis in the community. Sometimes, it is an early manifestation.  Mostly the impairments are seen later in the course. The impairments are mild and progress slowly.  Well-practiced verbal skills are often preserved.  Cognitive impairment correlates with total lesion load and degree of callosal atrophy on brain imaging.  LAMP L earning A bstraction M emory P roblem-solving

Clinical features of complex partial sezires, Mnemonic

"P ardon DJ H ell, you are P roducing GAS that is AFFE Cting A ll the F earful TEDS, C o ST ing them M aDness"  P erceptual: D istorted perceptions, D eja Vu J amais Vu H allucinations  P sychomotor G rimacing and other body movements  A utomatisms S tereotyped behaviors A ffective F ear and anxiety E uphoric or ecstatic states A utonomic and visceral  F lushing T achycrdia  E pigastric aura D izziness Other bodily S ensations C ognitive S peech disturbances T hought disturbances M emory disturbances D epersonalization, d erealization 

Components and Principles of management of schizophrenia Mnemonic

What are the components and principles of management of schizophrenia ?  Answer: MENOMONIC -> CONFIATE CBT , c ognitive remediation, c lozapine, c risis resolution teams. O utreach teams  N eeds assessment  F amily intervention I ntegrated treatment for comorbid substance abuse A ntipsychotics T herapeutic realtionship  E arly intervention 

Exception to the rule of consent to treatment

Which of the following cannot be considered as an exception to direct informed consent? A. Waiver B. Detention under mental health act C. Emergencies where full information cannot be given D. Incompetent patient E. Passively compliant patient Comments Valeed Ahmed The answer is E, passive compliance is not an exception, rather an implied consent is. The situations in which explicit consent is not required are : Implied consent given Necessity (harm likely, competency doubted) Emergency 

Types of learning theories in this case

Comments   Valeed Ahmed Apart from observational learning theory,is there any other theory applicable here   Rabia Jihan Classical Conditioning Sanam Munir Operant learning Precious Faimii opernt conditionning, *punishment   Valeed Ahmed Operant? Punishment is not a reinforcer   Precious Faimii 4 types of reinforcemnt,, negative reinforcer, positive reinforcer, punishment and extinction.,,,    if i m not wrong   Valeed Ahmed Yep u r right   Noor Noor Classical conditioning Angel's Dua Classical conditioning,    first of all its important to evaluate the problem of the child before applying any technique, i.e to see what is the cause of his this beh,,,   then according to the problem solve the issue,,,,  u may apply positive reinforcement to encourage the positive beh and negative reinforcement to reduce negative beh   Brothers Doll Operant therapy as well as observation is too much important... bcoz through observation we know better those factors which disturb