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Showing posts with the label Body-focused repetitive behaviour disorders

ICD-11Criteria for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviour Disorders (6B25)

ICD-11Criteria for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviour Disorders (6B25) Body focused repetitive behaviour disorders are characterised by recurrent and habitual actions directed at the integument (e.g. hair-pulling, skin-picking, lip-biting), typically accompanied by unsuccessful attempts to decrease or stop the behaviour involved, and which lead to dermatological sequelae (e.g., hair loss, skin lesions, lip abrasions). The behaviour may occur in brief episodes scattered throughout the day or in less frequent but more sustained periods. The symptoms result in significant distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. 6B25.0        Trichotillomania Trichotillomania is characterised by recurrent pulling of one’s own hair leading to significant hair loss, accompanied by unsuccessful attempts to decrease or stop the behaviour. Hair pulling may occur from any region of the bod...