So, I have been asked by your GP to have a chat with you because you are having some difficulties in judging. So, as far as I know, you have, you were in an accident. A few months ago and since then you've been having some difficulties. But if it's okay, I'll let you explain what led you to come in here already. Yeah, I just had an accident about six months ago. And ever since then, I just can't get out of my head. was it was a serious accident? Yeah, it was it could have been, you know, the car was all messed up in a way you know to sort of concussion to split a whiplash room in the car was really hard. I can see where you're getting a bit anxious even talking about it. If you find questions difficult to answer It's okay, we can move on. And you can take your time, too, if you're feeling anxious. So you had this unfortunate accident you said that, although you will not seriously injure the car was quite badly damaged, and you make the most depending on how ...