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Showing posts with the label Psychoanalytical theory

How Does the Oedipal Complex Resolve?

How Does the Oedipal Complex Resolve? Oedipus complex refers to the son–father competition for possession of his mother that occurs during the phallic stage of psychosexual development. The male child resolves it by crushing the hostility against and identifying with his father and repressing his feelings for his mother. The child takes on the mannerisms, standards, and behaviours of his father, and in this way, the superego develops at six. Trigger for the Resolution When the Oedipus complex forms, the boy remains in a constant conflict. He directs his libido towards his mother and develops an emotional rivalry with his father. Because of this rivalry, he wants to kill the father, but because of his position; becomes fearful that his father might castrate him—we call this castration anxiety.  Use of defences Defence mechanisms provide momentary relief of the conflict between the id and the ego. Repression and identification are the two mechanisms that help with this.  Repression

1960s Psychoanalytic Approach to Children with Autism

The 1960s psychoanalytic approach to children with autism: Base on Lovaas- socialization study Building social behavior in children with autism by use of electric shock. Method- use of identical twins: Tell them to come here and shock them until they move toward the experimenter. They based applied behavior analysis on it, supported by decades of research behind the Lovaas approach and more if you include the research into Skinner's theories, on which they base it. Predictors of response Early: better the outcome in younger children.  Intensive more sessions per week.  Duration: longer duration of therapy.  With Parents: Children accompanied by parents in therapy do better.