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Showing posts with the label Speech Abnormalities


Cluttering A rapid rate of speech  with a breakdown in fluency, Speech is irregular, with rapid, jerky bursts that include broken phrasing patterns There are no repetitions or hesitations of severity to give rise to reduced speech intelligibility.  F98.6  

Normal Speech Dysfluency

Normal speech dysfluency whole-word or phrase repetitions (e.g., 'I want, I want an apple"),  incomplete phrases,  interjections,  unfilled pauses,  parenthetical remarks.  If these difficulties increase in frequency or complexity as the child grows older, a diagnosis of childhood-onset fluency disorder is appropriate

Staccato Speech

Staccato Speech Staccato speech is because of incoordination of larynx muscle of articulation. In this, each the patient utters each syllable separately, thus speaking in fragments of sentences. Pauses punctuate these sentences, which interrupt and destroying the flow of speech. Such speech is abrupt, broken, and usually quite hard to follow for extended periods, and may make the speaker look confused or focused on something else.  Scanning Speech Versus Staccato Speech In cerebellar dysarthria, the patient speaks slowly and deliberately, syllable by syllable, as if scanning a line of poetry, and it loses the normal prosodic rhythm, and we call it a scanning speech. Staccato speech is similar and has an explosive character & slurring of consonants.   Cause of Staccato speech Cerebellar lesions in multiple sclerosis produce staccato speech.

Stuttering and Stammering

Stuttering and Stammering We may also call stammering. In the Diagnostic and statistical manual fifth edition, they call it Childhood-onset fluency disorder: Repetitions or prolongations of speech sounds OR Hesitations/pauses Marked disturbance in the fluency of speech.  Frequently associated movements, for example: Eye blinks  Tics Tremors of the lips or face Jerking of the head Breathing movements Fist-clenching These coincide with the stutters.  Tip > both Stuttering and Stammering include S as in heSitations Compare this to Staccato Speech