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Showing posts with the label MRCPsych

Get Through MRCPsych CASC

Get Through MRCPsych CASC Get Through MRCPsych CASC" is an excellent book for anyone preparing for the MRCPsych CASC examination. This book is written by a team of experienced authors who have a deep understanding of the examination format and the key competencies required to succeed. The book is well-structured and covers all the major areas that are tested in the MRCPsych CASC exam. The content is presented in a concise and easy-to-read manner, with clear explanations and practical examples to illustrate key points. One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on clinical scenarios, which are central to the MRCPsych CASC exam. The authors have included a wide range of scenarios, covering a variety of psychiatric disorders and clinical situations. Each scenario is accompanied by detailed guidance on how to approach the case, including tips on how to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals. The book also provides helpful advice on how to mana...

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal This MRCPsych CASC Sample Case assesses a child's refusal to attend school. It is important to consider several key factors when evaluating the situation. First, it is crucial to determine the age of the child and whether they desired to attend the scheduled appointment. It is also important to determine who is currently responsible for their care and if they have any connections to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or social services. The duration of the child's refusal to attend school should also be considered, as well as the different perspectives on the cause of the refusal from the child, their parents, and the school. It is important to determine if the child is refusing other situations. If the child is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, it is important to note that they may have worries about the safety of their caregiver and follow them closely in all situations. It is also important to assess the pote...

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department Scenario: A patient with a severe psychiatric disorder has become aggressive. You have been called to assess him in the psychiatric emergency department.  Introduction  Assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder can be a challenging task, especially if the patient is aggressive. It is essential to approach the assessment with caution and to prioritize the safety of both the patient and the assessing psychiatrist. Here are the steps for assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder: Establish rapport:  The first step is to establish a rapport with the patient. This can be done by introducing oneself and explaining the purpose of the assessment. For example, the trainee psychiatrist can say, "Hello, I am Dr. [Name]. I am here to talk to you and assess how you are feeling." Gather information: The next step is to gather information about the patient's current symptoms and past...

MRCPsych CASC: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative

CASC Notes: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative As you enter the station, it is important to show your badge to the examiner and nod while saying a quiet "Thanks". When you meet the relative or patient, they may be standing up, so it's best to start by taking a seat yourself. You can say, "Hello, my name is Dr Waleed. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me today. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Starting with a calm and friendly approach is crucial in building rapport with the patient or relative. You can say, "First of all, thank you so much for coming to see me today. Good communication between patients or relatives and the psychiatry team is very important to us, and we value it greatly." You can also express your empathy and acknowledge their difficult situation by saying, "I can't imagine how difficult it must be as a mother/father/sister/carer to see your loved one suffering like this." If the relative or...

How to Prepare for the MRCPsych CASC Exam

How to Prepare for the MRCPsych CASC Exam Introduction What is the MRCPsych CASC exam? The MRCPsych CASC (Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies) exam is a competency-based examination that assesses the practical skills and knowledge of mental health professionals in the field of psychiatry. The exam is designed to test the ability of candidates to manage complex clinical cases and make appropriate decisions in a simulated clinical setting. Why is it important for mental health professionals? The MRCPsych CASC exam is a crucial step for mental health professionals who want to attain consultant level in the field of psychiatry. It is also a requirement for those who want to work in the UK National Health Service (NHS) as a consultant psychiatrist. Passing the MRCPsych CASC exam demonstrates that a mental health professional has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality care to patients. Set Realistic Goals Determine your current level of knowledge and skills Bef...

Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations

Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations "Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations" is a comprehensive guide to preparing for the clinical component of the MRCPsych exam. This book is specifically designed to help candidates prepare for the long case presentation component of the exam, which is an important aspect of the MRCPsych clinical examination. Ace the MRCPsych Clinical Exam with 'Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations.' Your comprehensive guide to preparing for the long case presentation and other key components of the exam. Get ready to showcase your expertise in psychiatry and take your career to the next leve The book provides a detailed overview of the MRCPsych clinical examination format and covers the key skills and knowledge that candidates need to demonstrate during the exam. The book is well-structured, with clear explanations of the examination process and helpful advi...

Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs

Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs is an excellent and essential revision guide for all candidates taking the Membership examinations. This is one of the first EMIQ books for the MRCPsych examinations. The Editor, Albert Michael, has written several successful MRCPsych texts and is a Consultant Psychiatrist. He and his team of 16 international contributors have created a unique selection of 1001 questions spread over the 200 themes which form the MRCPsych syllabus. Topics featured include: learning theory * diagnosis of eating disorders * uncommon syndromes * delerium * memory disorders * cognitive function tests * psychometry * couple therapy * drug dosing * mood stabilisers * dynamics of adverse effects * management of schizophrenia * child abuse * developmental syndromes * statistical concepts

Extended Matching Items for the MRCPsych Part 1

Extended Matching Items for the MRCPsych Part 1 Michael Reilly, Bangaru Raju Extended Matching Items for the Mrcpsych Part 1:Coverpage The importance of Extended Matching Items (EMIs) in the MRCPsych written test is growing. This book helps candidates get ready by outlining the structure of EMIs and then providing numerous examples of common exam problems. It covers the four key areas of the exam: clinical theory and skills, psychopharmacology, descriptive and psychodynamic psychopathology, and psychology and human development. To allow applicants who are unfamiliar with the format of EMIs to gradually assess their exam readiness, questions are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Complete responses, justifications, and references are given. Edition: reprint Publisher CRC Press, 2018 ISBN 1315345269, 9781315345260 Length 256 pages

Practice Examination Papers for the Mrcpsych: Part 1

Practice Examination Papers for the Mrcpsych: Part 1 This useful manual equips primary care team members and GP practise managers with the skills necessary to handle stress and conflict in general practise. All important abilities are covered, including change management, handling criticism, dealing with anger, and negotiating. The reader is encouraged to invest in their own personal and professional development by the book's abundance of useful examples, exercises, and reading lists that are cited throughout.

1500 Questions in Psychiatry: For the MRCPsych

1500 Questions in Psychiatry: For the MRCPsych This title is directed primarily towards postgraduate trainees in psychiatry preparing for examinations such as the MRCPsych. It contains 1525 questions with answers, explanations and references - ideal for self-testing before exams. The questions specifically focus on topics which occur most frequently in real exams. The comprehensive answers and targeted, exam-relevant topics make this book invaluable for anybody revising their MRCPsych. Prepared by organisers of the Cambridge MRCPych course, which has a pass rate nearly double the UK average.  Offers a wide variety of questions on targeted, exam-relevant topics together with explanatory answers with a level of detail beyond most self-testing books Topics selected to reflect those most frequently found in real exams Topics are presented in manageable chapters, each containing 25 questions - ideal for 'dipping in and out' when time is limited Answers contain full explanations and ...

Revision Notes for MRCPsych Paper A

Revision Notes for MRCPsych Paper A Cover page: Revision Notes for the MRCPsych Paper A This list-based revision guide offers thorough covering of the material and is completely current with the current MRCPsych Paper 1 exam. Instead of depending just on MCQs and EMIs for self-testing, it provides a concentrated set of critical notes that build a strong knowledge base for the candidate. Each of the curriculum's major subjects is covered in its own chapter, and the concise, bullet-point structure helps with recall and provides a practical, approachable way to retain information. The presentation of key ideas in digestible chunks encourages confidence and further research. Revision Notes for MRCPsych Paper 1 is the most pertinent and closely related resource for candidates, and it was written by a current trainee. Additionally, it is a very helpful resource for all Royal College aspirants, as well as for medical and nursing students looking for an approachable introduction to psychia...

MRCPsychmentor for MRCPsych Examinations

MRCPsychmentor for MRCPsych Examinations The Good MRCPsychmentor is one of the more popular resources that MRCPsych aspirants use during preparation. It comprises approximately 2000 questions for the MRCPsych Paper A, which costs £45 for 4-month access and £55 for 6-month access. Similarly, they offer a nearly equal number of questions for the MRCPsych Paper B at a similar price. In addition, the MRCPsychmentor offers mock examinations for written papers at no additional charge. The authors of MRCPsychmentor make some bold claims:  "  We are committed to assisting you in passing the MRCPsych exams. MRCPsychmentor offers a thorough online revision course for the MRCPsych written papers. MRCPsychmentor is much more than a question bank. It employs a sophisticated database to display only the best questions on the website. In addition, the database compares your performance to that of other users, highlighting your strengths and flaws and aiding you in concentrating on your revis...

Final MRCPsych Examinations Need to be Rigorous (Davies et. al)

Final MRCPsych Examinations must be Rigorous The Royal College accepts you into the Psychiatry Training Program in the UK when you have passed all three parts of the MRCPsych Examinations and have two years of experience of work in psychiatry. So, the final or the exit exam serves as a selection-criterion. Davis et al. has criticized and suggested changes to the system.

What are the aims of the Counseling Sessions

What are the aims of the Counseling Sessions? Counseling Sessions are an important part of psychiatric management. The following list sums up the Aims of Counselling Sessions;  Establish mutual trust Clarification and explanation Freely expresses emotions Reassurance Understanding of health Indent various choices Making decisions Seeking support Learning the necessary skills

Using Watch For Physical Examination During CASC

  Using Watch For Physical Examination During CASC Since September 2018, the college expects candidates to provide their own timing device should there be a physical or other examination that requires the use of one. Digital watches/timing devices will not be permitted. Similarly, the Royal College has clarified that they do not permit mobile phones and other such devices these in CASC and will lead to disqualification if used. The candidate brings their device to the exam center. As with other components of the MRCPsych examination, the College does NOT provide spare timing devices and they will accept no liability if a candidate’s device is defective. The Royal College entertains no appeal if you do not bring your own timing device or a defective one and cannot perform a task requiring timing to the satisfaction of the examiner. CASC means the clinical assessment of skill and applied knowledge 


MRCPsych Paper B SAMPLE SIZE CALCULATION Critical Review Question You are checking the frequency of “the Perceived stress scale among doctors serving at various Government and private hospitals in Faisalabad. (JPMA-2020-02-232)” If you aimed for a specific category of doctors, then that will be your target population. For example juniors, seniors, permanent visiting, etc. Introduction Once we plan a survey or a research experiment, then we have a target population in mind. For example, some surveys cover the entire population of the country like census and political elections. If we take an example for census first, then what sample size do you think would be the correct representative in that case? The obvious answer is 100% of the population of the country, not a single percent less. Examples Now take the example of the political elections, let’s say 50% was the turnout on polls. Would that be an excellent election turn out? Probably not, because half the population of the country d...

Tuberous sclerosis

Tuberous Sclerosis Tuberous sclerosis (epiloia) has an Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. Clinical features include Epilepsy, adenoma sebaceous on the face, white skin patches, shagreen skin, retinal phakoma, subungual fibromata, multiple renal, and other tumors. ID usually is Mild. Autism and other psychiatric disorders are common.

Is it possible to enter a psychiatric residency in the UK having no specialty experience in your country?

Yes, you can apply for core training in psychiatry. You will need to maintain a portfolio of evidence of your practice/competencies and pass the MRSA exam. Taking a non-training junior doctor post in the UK as a first job will help in getting the above. There are a lot of blog posts explaining the process, please search google.

Do you need two years of experience to be eligible for the MRCPsych CASC exam?

Do you need two years of experience to be eligible for the MRCPsych CASC exam?  No, you do not need enrollment in a fellowship or MD program in psychiatry; you just need to show that you have two years or more of experience in the psychiatry department. This could be an RMO in India or Pakistan, for example. 

Is it worth taking the MRCPsych Exam for an Indian?

Is it worth taking the MRCPsych Exam for an Indian? There is such passionate debate going on about the award of MRCPsych without examination. Those who have struggled to achieve Membership through examination feel that the value of this has been somewhat lowered or tarnished. They awarded me Membership without examination and would like to share what this means to me and what advantages it has afforded.