CASC is an OSCE-style clinical exam made up of 16 stations in total. There is one circuit of eight stations in the morning and one circuit of eight stations in the afternoon. They have scrapped previously linked stations. Any clinical topic can come up, and only the most impractical scenarios are off-limits. Commonly tested stations include: Brief history-taking e.g. psychosis, depression Collateral history e.g. in dementia Risk assessment following self-harm information-giving e.g. ECT, medication, psychological therapies Discuss management plans with consultants and other members of staff, e.g. nursing students and ward managers. Physical examination e.g., EPSEs, cardiovascular, neurological The CASC tests knowledge and communications skills such as history taking, explanation & advice, breaking bad news, and managing challenging consultations. When you first look into the CASC exam, the pass rate may not fill you with optimism about passing it. However, having a rough ...