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Child Mania Rating Scale-Parent Version

  Child Mania Rating Scale-Parent Version (CMRS-P; Pavuluri, Henry, Devineni, Carbray, & Birmaher, 2006). The CMRS-P is a 21-item parent-report measure designed to assess mania in youths ages 5-17. The CMRS-P is appropriate to use as a screening tool (Pavuluri et al., 2006), a diagnostic tool (Pavuluri et al., 2006), and to monitor symptom changes over time (West, Celio, Henry, & Pavuluri, 2011). Sample items include, “Does your child think that he or she can be anything or do anything (e.g., leader, best basketball player, rap singer, millionaire, princess) beyond what is usual for that age?” and “Does your child have periods when she or he talks too much or too loud or talks a mile-a-minute?” The measure is rated using a 4-point Likert scale from zero (“Never/Rare”) to three (“Very often”). The CMRS-P can be administered in approximately 10-15 minutes. A total score of 20 is recommended to best differentiate between youth with pediatric bipolar disorder, youth with ADHD,...

Brief Problem Checklist (BPC)

Brief Problem Checklist (BPC) Chorpita et al., 2010 The BPC is a 12-item parent- and a self-report measure assessing mental health problems in youths ages 7-13. No studies have been conducted validating the use of this measure with older adolescents. The BPC can be used as a screening tool, and to monitor symptom changes over time (Chorpita et al., 2010). Sample items include: “I argue a lot,” “I feel worthless or inferior,” and “I am self-conscious or easily embarrassed.” Each item is rated from zero to two. The BPC demonstrates adequate internal consistency for the youth (α=.76) and parent version (α = .82; Chorpita et al., 2010). The BPC also demonstrates adequate test-retest reliability over a period of eight days (r = .72-.79; Chorpita et al., 2010) and good concurrent validity (Chorpita et al., 2010) with the Child Behavior Checklist and the Youth Self Report (CBCL/YSR; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2001). The measure is available at the Child FIRST website (http://www.childfirst.uc...

The Ohio Scale-Youth, Parent, and Clinician versions

The Ohio Scale-Youth, Parent, and Clinician versions (Ogles, Melendez, David, & Lunnen, 2001). The Ohio scale is a 48-item self-, parent-, and a clinician-report measure assessing outcomes of youths ages 5-18 receiving mental health services. This Ohio scale can be used to monitor symptom changes over time (Ogles et al., 2001). The measure comprises four subscales including, functioning, hopefulness, satisfaction with treatment, and problem severity, with subscales rated on 5- or 6-point Likert Scales. Sample items include, “Breaking rules or breaking the law (out past curfew, stealing)” and “Keeping neat and clean, looking good.” This measure can be administered in 15 minutes. The Ohio scale is available for free for all Ohio providers and can be purchased for use by providers outside Ohio for a nominal fee. Outside of Ohio, an independent practitioner can purchase unlimited use of the scales for $10; a group of practitioners (<50 total) can purchase the scales for $50; and the...