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NICE Guidance on Electroconvulsive Therapy

NICE recommends to use electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) only to attain quick and short-term improvement of severe symptoms if an adequate trial of other options has not been effective and/or when the condition is considered to be potentially life-threatening, in individuals with: catatonia a prolonged or severe manic episode. Indication to an individual must be based a documented assessment of the risks and potential benefits to the individual. Exercise caution when considering electroconvulsive therapy during pregnancy, in older people, and in children and young people. Valid consent should be obtained in all cases where the individual can grant or refuse consent. The decision to use electroconvulsive therapy should be made jointly by the individual and the clinician(s) responsible for treatment, based on an informed discussion after full information about the risks and potential benefits, without pressure or coercion, the involvement of patient advocates and/or carers is strongly enc

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy Steps of application summarised. Step-1:  Preparing the patient Obtain consent, pass intravenous line, perform a physical examination. Get the patient nil -by-mouth at midnight. Before shifting the patient to the electroconvulsive therapy room, Check case notes including the medication chart for medications that affect seizure threshold or interact with anaesthesia, the outcome of earlier electroconvulsive treatments, especially seizure duration and complications. Check for the placement—whether unilateral or bilateral—agreed. Confirm there is a valid consent form.  The nursing staff checks vital signs, have the patient void, remove dentures, jewelry, hairpins, eyeglasses, and change into a gown.  Step-2: Pre-p rocedure When the patient enters the treatment room, introduce yourself, put the patient at the ease, and confirm their identity. Also, confirm the patient has been nil-by-mouth for at least 5-hours. Confirm the patient continues to consent. Check vital