Intermittent Explosive Disorder Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) involved o utbursts of impulsive aggression with no persistent mood disruption between the outbursts. It requires only 3 months for the total duration of two episodes every week on, average. There must have been At least three episodes with damage to property or injury to humans/animals w ithin 12 months. It is diagnosed only if age is above 6 years. A man with explosive outburst depicted in a painting See the ICD-11 Criteria for Intermittent explosive disorder here. Deficits in the prefrontal cortex on MRI have been associated with impulsivity (can aid diagnosis). 1 Findings of Etiological (but not necessarily diagnostic importance): Reduced prefrontal grey matter >> antisocial personality disorder . 2 Reduced amygdala volume has been associated with a lack of empathy . Increased amygdala responses to anger stimuli > Intermittent explosive disorder Elevated CSF testosterone >> a