Mitgehen Mitgehen is a condition characterized by an extreme form of mitmachen, a German term meaning "to go along with." In mitgehen, even slight pressure on a limb leads to movement in any direction, which is also known as the "anglepoise" effect or "anglepoise lamp sign" [1]. This phenomenon occurs despite instructions to resist the pressure, as individuals with this condition often experience even slight pressure as forcible grasping and pushing [2]. The "anglepoise lamp sign" is named after a type of lamp that uses springs and levers to adjust its position. Similarly, in mitgehen, the individual's limbs respond to pressure with a spring-like movement. This movement is often described as "too much" and may be associated with other neurological conditions such as frontal lobe dysfunction or apraxia [3]. The exact mechanisms underlying mitgehen are not yet fully understood, although it is believed to be related to abnormalities in...