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Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2)

Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2) The BASC-2 Parent and Teacher Rating Scale [55] items are organised into 9 clinical subscales: Aggression, Anxiety, Attention problems, Atypicality, Conduct problems, Depression, Hyperactivity, Somatization, and Withdrawal (as well as five adaptive scales). Hass et al. [65] showed that the BASC-2 had acceptable internal consistency for the 10 item aggression scale and the 9 item conduct problem scale with teachers as informants. There were also significant large differences between children with ASD and matched controls on the aggression scale (Cohen’s d = 0.58) and the externalising problems composite scale (Cohen’s d = 0.75). Mahan and Matson [70] also assessed known groups' validity of the BASC-2, with parents as informants. ASD children scored significantly greater than typically developing children on the conduct problems and externalising composite scales, but did not differ as expected on the aggression subsca

The Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2)

The Behavior Assessment System for Children Second Edition (BASC-2) Is a widely used tool for assessing behaviours and emotions in children, adolescents and young adults, ranging in age from 2 to 22 years old. The BASC-2 consists of a Structured Developmental History, an Observation System, a Parent Rating Scale (134–160 items depending on age), a Self-Report of Personality Scale, and a Teacher Rating Scale (100–139 items). It was used to measure behaviours problems in one observational study in the review.