Clouding of Consciousness Clouding of consciousness, sometimes called brain fog or mental fog, is a generalised impairment in higher central nervous system function. Every element of cognitive function is affected. Disorientation in time, place, and person, memory difficulties caused by failure to register and remember, aphasia, and agnosia are signs of a mental status assessment. Illusions and hallucinations are common in the visual sensory modality when perception is impaired. As a result, there is anxiety, anguish, and secondary delusions. The word 'confusion state' is occasionally used to describe a clouding of awareness, although it is misleading and should be avoided. ICD-11 Definition An impairment in the clarity of consciousness characterised by impaired ability to comprehend aspects of the environment or the self in relation to the environment, inattention, and abnormalities in thought processes, comprehension. It is typically accompanied by subjective experience of me...