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Somatic Delusions

Somatic Delusions Introduction: Somatic delusions are a delusion that can significantly impact a person's perception of their body and bodily functions. In this note, we will examine the definition, prevalence, causes, and treatment of somatic delusions. Definition: Somatic delusions are delusions in which an individual has a false belief or conviction about their body or bodily functions. The belief can manifest in various ways, such as a belief that the individual has a serious illness or medical condition, that parts of their body are missing or not functioning correctly, or infested with parasites or insects. Prevalence: Somatic delusions are commonly associated with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or major depressive disorder with psychotic features. In addition, somatic delusions can also occur in medical conditions that affect the brain, such as dementia or traumatic brain injury. Causes: The precise cause of somatic delusions is not entirel...