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Get Through MRCPsych CASC

Get Through MRCPsych CASC Get Through MRCPsych CASC" is an excellent book for anyone preparing for the MRCPsych CASC examination. This book is written by a team of experienced authors who have a deep understanding of the examination format and the key competencies required to succeed. The book is well-structured and covers all the major areas that are tested in the MRCPsych CASC exam. The content is presented in a concise and easy-to-read manner, with clear explanations and practical examples to illustrate key points. One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on clinical scenarios, which are central to the MRCPsych CASC exam. The authors have included a wide range of scenarios, covering a variety of psychiatric disorders and clinical situations. Each scenario is accompanied by detailed guidance on how to approach the case, including tips on how to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals. The book also provides helpful advice on how to mana...

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal This MRCPsych CASC Sample Case assesses a child's refusal to attend school. It is important to consider several key factors when evaluating the situation. First, it is crucial to determine the age of the child and whether they desired to attend the scheduled appointment. It is also important to determine who is currently responsible for their care and if they have any connections to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or social services. The duration of the child's refusal to attend school should also be considered, as well as the different perspectives on the cause of the refusal from the child, their parents, and the school. It is important to determine if the child is refusing other situations. If the child is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, it is important to note that they may have worries about the safety of their caregiver and follow them closely in all situations. It is also important to assess the pote...

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department Scenario: A patient with a severe psychiatric disorder has become aggressive. You have been called to assess him in the psychiatric emergency department.  Introduction  Assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder can be a challenging task, especially if the patient is aggressive. It is essential to approach the assessment with caution and to prioritize the safety of both the patient and the assessing psychiatrist. Here are the steps for assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder: Establish rapport:  The first step is to establish a rapport with the patient. This can be done by introducing oneself and explaining the purpose of the assessment. For example, the trainee psychiatrist can say, "Hello, I am Dr. [Name]. I am here to talk to you and assess how you are feeling." Gather information: The next step is to gather information about the patient's current symptoms and past...

MRCPsych CASC: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative

CASC Notes: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative As you enter the station, it is important to show your badge to the examiner and nod while saying a quiet "Thanks". When you meet the relative or patient, they may be standing up, so it's best to start by taking a seat yourself. You can say, "Hello, my name is Dr Waleed. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me today. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Starting with a calm and friendly approach is crucial in building rapport with the patient or relative. You can say, "First of all, thank you so much for coming to see me today. Good communication between patients or relatives and the psychiatry team is very important to us, and we value it greatly." You can also express your empathy and acknowledge their difficult situation by saying, "I can't imagine how difficult it must be as a mother/father/sister/carer to see your loved one suffering like this." If the relative or...

How to Prepare for the MRCPsych CASC Exam

How to Prepare for the MRCPsych CASC Exam Introduction What is the MRCPsych CASC exam? The MRCPsych CASC (Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies) exam is a competency-based examination that assesses the practical skills and knowledge of mental health professionals in the field of psychiatry. The exam is designed to test the ability of candidates to manage complex clinical cases and make appropriate decisions in a simulated clinical setting. Why is it important for mental health professionals? The MRCPsych CASC exam is a crucial step for mental health professionals who want to attain consultant level in the field of psychiatry. It is also a requirement for those who want to work in the UK National Health Service (NHS) as a consultant psychiatrist. Passing the MRCPsych CASC exam demonstrates that a mental health professional has the necessary skills and knowledge to provide high-quality care to patients. Set Realistic Goals Determine your current level of knowledge and skills Bef...

Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations

Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations "Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations" is a comprehensive guide to preparing for the clinical component of the MRCPsych exam. This book is specifically designed to help candidates prepare for the long case presentation component of the exam, which is an important aspect of the MRCPsych clinical examination. Ace the MRCPsych Clinical Exam with 'Get Through MRCPsych Part 2: Clinical Exam: Long Case Presentations.' Your comprehensive guide to preparing for the long case presentation and other key components of the exam. Get ready to showcase your expertise in psychiatry and take your career to the next leve The book provides a detailed overview of the MRCPsych clinical examination format and covers the key skills and knowledge that candidates need to demonstrate during the exam. The book is well-structured, with clear explanations of the examination process and helpful advi...

Cardiff CASC Training

Cardiff CASC Training Royal College CASC exam, since its advent in 2008, has posed a challenge for trainees which is evident in low pass percentages. There had been a need for structured and formal training for the CASC exam in Wales. Cardiff CASC Training (CCT) has been formed in 2012, to lead the CASC training in Wales. It has got seven members, all in different sub specialties of psychiatry. Training is organizing CASC examination practice sessions in the form of training days every year. The events are designed to boost the confidence of participants by replicating Royal College examination environment. Cardiff CASC Training is a non-profit organization ( 08038178). We have links with Wales Deanery in terms of sponsorship and support. We also receive some contribution from pharmaceutical companies. Contact 2 Narcissus Grove Rogerstone Newport Gwent NP10 9LP E: CCT Website

Sample CASC-Opiate (opioid) Withdrawal Assessment

Opiate Withdrawal History and Physical Examination   Opiate withdrawal symptoms peak between 36-72 hours. Symptoms run their course in 5-7 days, though craving continues for some time.  Withdrawal from Heroin Withdrawal from heroin may begin up to 8 hours after the last use. During the next few hours, the person experiences muscle pain, sneezing, sweating; tearfulness; yawning excessively.  At 36 hours after the last use, symptoms are most severe. These symptoms include chills, muscle cramps, flushing, sweating, tachycardia, hypertension, inability to sleep, vomiting & diarrhoea . Symptoms typically continue for about 72 hours & gradually diminish over 5-10 days. History  This history part is in Urdu/Hindi. I will add the " Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale"  soon here so anyone can benefit.   For now: COWS  Aap kia istemal karty Akhri bar kab lia hai aap ne Abhi dil chahta ke aap dobara se kar lyn? Kitna had tak?   Gutno ya baqi jorho...

Differentiating Factors of Epileptic and Non-epileptic Fits

Differentiating Factors of Epileptic and Non-epileptic Fits Factors That Favor Epileptic Fits The following Favor epileptic fits.  An abrupt onset A stereotyped course lasting seconds to a few minutes. Tongue biting, especially on the sides Urinary incontinence during the fit Evidence of cyanosis, for example, face turning blue. Injury during the episode Prolonged postictal confusion Favour Non-Epileptic Fits Treatment resistance to over two antiepileptic drugs. Antiepileptics do not affect seizures. Fits occur with specific environmental or emotional triggers. Presence of witnesses, for example, family members at the time of an event. History of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, syndromes. History of comorbid psychiatric illness, personality disorder or substance abuse. History of remote or current abuse or trauma. Presence of repeatedly normal EEGs in the presence of recurrent seizures. Drawn from Benbadis and LaFrance (2010). Sociological features of Psychogenic Non-E...

Assessment of Risk Factors in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

A 37-year-old woman, who is an intelligent computer programmer, presented with insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety. On detailed assessment, she reveals that the symptoms started after some thieves robbed their house 3 months ago. In the incident, they had killed one of her sons. She also experiences intense imagery related to the event and often wakes up after experiencing a nightmare. The woman feels uncomfortable talking about the event and requests not to talk about it. She had experienced another such incident when she was a child. She also received treatment for depression three years ago. Personality assessment revealed neurotic traits. No one else in the family developed such symptoms, even though all of them experienced the event. 

What are the aims of the Counseling Sessions

What are the aims of the Counseling Sessions? Counseling Sessions are an important part of psychiatric management. The following list sums up the Aims of Counselling Sessions;  Establish mutual trust Clarification and explanation Freely expresses emotions Reassurance Understanding of health Indent various choices Making decisions Seeking support Learning the necessary skills

CASC on Phobic Disorder

CASC on Phobic Disorder A dentist refers a young man to you; he cannot get the treatment and needs the dental procedures urgently. What causes phobia and anxiety and how you will treat it? Explain this to the patient. Sitting and introduction Rapport building and inquiries Explain the fear of pain, injections anesthetic and side effects. Explain the helplessness, embarrassment and feeling of loss and treatment plan Close the interview

Using Watch For Physical Examination During CASC

  Using Watch For Physical Examination During CASC Since September 2018, the college expects candidates to provide their own timing device should there be a physical or other examination that requires the use of one. Digital watches/timing devices will not be permitted. Similarly, the Royal College has clarified that they do not permit mobile phones and other such devices these in CASC and will lead to disqualification if used. The candidate brings their device to the exam center. As with other components of the MRCPsych examination, the College does NOT provide spare timing devices and they will accept no liability if a candidate’s device is defective. The Royal College entertains no appeal if you do not bring your own timing device or a defective one and cannot perform a task requiring timing to the satisfaction of the examiner. CASC means the clinical assessment of skill and applied knowledge 

Do you need two years of experience to be eligible for the MRCPsych CASC exam?

Do you need two years of experience to be eligible for the MRCPsych CASC exam?  No, you do not need enrollment in a fellowship or MD program in psychiatry; you just need to show that you have two years or more of experience in the psychiatry department. This could be an RMO in India or Pakistan, for example. 

Assessment of Fitness to Plead (Capacity to Stand Trial) Pritchard Criteria

Assessment of Fitness to Plead (Capacity to Stand Trial) Pritchard Criteria Introduction To stand trial, the accused should be able to describe his behaviour and whereabouts at the time of the alleged offence, understands what happens in the courtroom and understands the role of the courtroom personnel, instruct his solicitor, distinguish between various pleas and understand the range and nature of verdicts. Pritchard Criteria In the law of England and Wales, fitness to plead is the capacity of a defendant in criminal proceedings to comprehend the course of those proceedings. Its equivalent in the United States and Canada is ‘competence to stand trial.’ If the defendant raises fitness to plead, a judge will decide whether an individual fit to plead, usually following a psychiatric evaluation.  To decide whether a patient is fit to plead, it is important to determine the extent to which the defendant can:  Understand the nature of the charge Understand the difference between pl...

Diagnostic Formulation

Diagnostic formulation What is the diagnostic formulation?? We use a diagnostic formulation to integrate and better evaluate the information we have obtained from the assessment of the patient. It has these components: The problem Differential diagnosis Etiology Management Prognosis

Factors that Obstruct Effective Communication

Factors that Obstruct Effective Communication The following factors can interfere with effective communication during clinical assessment.  Lack of exclusivity, for example, assessment on the bedside inside a unit of 20 patients.  Anxiety by a doctor, because of which divides their attention and concentrating, not the assessment is difficult.  Awkward seating that makes it difficult to relax while assessing a patient.  Lack of attention to the nonverbal cues Offensive remarks. Frequent interruptions.  Selective listening. Daydreaming. 

Open Ended Questions

An open-ended question is one that puts the least restrictions over the answer to a select option-list. For example, an open-ended question to assess the thoughts would be: What do you think about most often? You can already notice, it is impossible to ask an absolute-open ended question.  For the purpose of the Research Workshop, the College of Physicians and Surgeons states:  Open-ended questions elicit detailed responses and provide no preselected options. These types of questions are the hallmark of qualitative research.   Also, learn the advantages of open-ended questions.