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Depression Rating Scales

Depression Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) Fendrich, Weissman, & Warner, 1990). The CES-DC is a 20-item self-report measure designed to assess depressive symptoms in youths ages 6-23. The CES-DC can be used as a screening tool (Bright Futures: Tools for Professionals, 2013), and to monitor symptom changes over time (Radloff, 1991). It is most appropriate for use in youths ages 12 to 18 (Sharp & Lipsky, 2002). Sample items include, “I was bothered by things that usually don’t bother me,” and “It was hard to get started doing things.” Each item is rated on a scale from zero (“Not At All”) to three (“A Lot”). The CES-DC is designed to be administered in five to ten minutes. The clinical cutoff for the CES-DC is 15 (Fendrich et al., 1990). The CES-DC demonstrates excellent internal consistency (α = .92; Fendrich et al., 1990) and concurrent validity with the CDI (Kovacs, 1985). Download CES-DC Sharp LK, Lipsky MS. Screening for depression acr