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Showing posts with the label diagnostic criteria

ICD-11 Criteria For Seasonal Pattern Of Mood Episode Onset

Foundation URI : ICD-11 Criteria For Seasonal Pattern Of Mood Episode Onset 6A80.4  Description In the context of recurrent depressive disorder, bipolar type I or bipolar type II disorder, there has been a regular seasonal pattern of onset and remission of at least one type of episode (i.e., depressive, manic, mixed, or hypomanic episodes), with a substantial majority of the relevant mood episodes corresponding to the seasonal pattern. (In bipolar type I and bipolar type II disorder, all types of mood episodes may not follow this pattern.) A seasonal pattern should be differentiated from an episode that is coincidental with a particular season but predominantly related to a psychological stressor that regularly occurs at that time of the year (e.g., seasonal unemployment). Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if: In the context of Bipolar Type I or Bipolar Type II Disorder there has been a regular seasonal pattern of onset and...

ICD-11 Criteria for Rapid Cycling in Mood Disorder

ICD-11 Criteria for Rapid Cycling in Mood Disorder  6A80.5 Description In the context of bipolar type I or bipolar type II disorder, there has been a high frequency of mood episodes (at least four) over the past 12 months. There may be a switch from one polarity of mood to the other, or the mood episodes may be demarcated by a period of remission. In individuals with a high frequency of mood episodes, some may have a shorter duration than those usually observed in bipolar type I or bipolar type II disorder. In particular, depressive periods may only last several days. If depressive and manic symptoms alternate very rapidly (i.e., from day to day or within the same day), a mixed episode should be diagnosed rather than rapid cycling. Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if the Bipolar Type I or Bipolar Type II Disorder is characterized by a high frequency of Mood Episodes (at least four) over the past 12 months. There may be a switch from one polarity of mood to the ...

ICD-11 Criteria for Current Depressive Episode Persistent

 Foundation URI : ICD-11 Criteria for Current Depressive Episode Persistent 6A80.2 Description The diagnostic requirements for a depressive episode are currently met and have been met continuously for at least the past 2 years. Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if the diagnostic requirements for Depressive Episode are currently met and have been met continuously (five or more characteristic symptoms occurring most of the day, nearly every day) for at least the past 2 years. Reference: International Classification of Diseases Eleventh Revision (ICD-11). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2022. License: CC BY-ND 3.0 IGO.

ICD-11 Criteria for Current Depressive Episode With Melancholia

ICD-11 Criteria for Current Depressive Episode With Melancholia 6A80.3 Description In the context of a current Depressive Episode, several of the following symptoms have been present during the worst period of the current episode: loss of interest or pleasure in most activities that are normally enjoyable to the individual (i.e., pervasive anhedonia); lack of emotional reactivity to normally pleasurable stimuli or circumstances (i.e., mood does not lift even transiently with exposure); terminal insomnia (i.e., waking in the morning two hours or more before the usual time); depressive symptoms are worse in the morning; marked psychomotor retardation or agitation; marked loss of appetite or loss of weight. Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if, in the context of a current Depressive Episode, several of the following symptoms have been present during the worst period of the current episode: Loss of interest or pleasure in most activities that are normally enjoyable to t...

ICD-11 Criteria For Panic Attacks in Mood Episodes

Foundation URI : ICD-11 Criteria For Panic Attacks in Mood Episodes  6A80.1 Description In the context of a current mood episode (manic, depressive, mixed, or hypomanic), there have been recurrent panic attacks (i.e., at least two) during the past month that occur specifically in response to anxiety-provoking cognitions that are features of the mood episode. If panic attacks occur exclusively in response to such thoughts, panic attacks should be recorded using this qualifier rather than assigning an additional co-occurring diagnosis of panic disorder. If some panic attacks over the course of the depressive or mixed episode have been unexpected and not exclusively in response to depressive or anxiety-provoking thoughts, a separate diagnosis of panic disorder should be assigned. Exclusions Panic disorder (6B01) Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if, in the context of a current Episode, there have been panic attacks during the...

ICD-11 Criteria for Prominent Anxiety Symptoms in Mood Episodes

Foundation URI : Prominent Anxiety Symptoms in Mood Episodes 6A80.0 Description In the context of a current depressive, manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode, prominent and clinically significant anxiety symptoms (e.g., feeling nervous, anxious or on edge, not being able to control worrying thoughts, fear that something awful will happen, having trouble relaxing, motor tension, autonomic symptoms) have been present for most of the time during the episode. If there have been panic attacks during a current depressive or mixed episode, these should be recorded separately. When the diagnostic requirements for both a mood disorder and an anxiety or fear-related disorder are met, the anxiety or fear-related disorder should also be diagnosed. Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if, in the context of a current Depressive, Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode, prominent and clinically significant anxiety symptoms (e.g., feeling nervous, anxio...

ICD-11 Criteria for Other Specified Depressive Disorders

ICD-11 Criteria for Other Specified Depressive Disorders 6A7Y  Essential (Required) Features: The presentation is characterized by mood symptoms that share primary clinical features with other Depressive Disorders (e.g., depressed mood, decreased engagement in pleasurable activities, decreased energy levels, disruptions in sleep or eating). The symptoms do not fulfil the diagnostic requirements for any other disorder in the Depressive Disorders grouping. The symptoms are not better accounted for by another Mental, Behavioural or Neurodevelopmental Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia or Other Primary Psychotic Disorder, an Anxiety or Fear-Related Disorder, a Disorder Specifically Associated with Stress). The symptoms and behaviours are not a manifestation of another medical condition and are not due to the effects of a substance or medication (e.g., alcohol, benzodiazepine) on the central nervous system, including withdrawal effects (e.g., from cocaine). The symptoms result in significant...

ICD-11 Criteria for Adjustment Disorder (6B43)

ICD-11 Criteria for Adjustment disorder (6B43) Adjustment disorder is a maladaptive reaction to an identifiable psychosocial stressor or multiple stressors (e.g. divorce, illness or disability, socio-economic problems, conflicts at home or work) that usually emerges within a month of the stressor. The disorder is characterised by preoccupation with the stressor or its consequences, including excessive worry, recurrent and distressing thoughts about the stressor, or constant rumination about its implications, as well as by failure to adapt to the stressor that causes significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning. The symptoms are not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder, another Disorder Specifically Associated with Stress) and typically resolve within 6 months, unless the stressor persists for a longer duration. Exclusions:           ...