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Showing posts with the label SAQs

Legal capacity to consent

A 40-year old schizophrenic patient needs hernia repair. Surgeon discussed the procedure with the patient who understood the procedure. Can the patient give consent? Anam Najam yes Like · Reply · July 2 at 10:44pm Asma Zafar No Like · Reply · July 2 at 11:06pm Immo Mani Yes Like · Reply · July 3 at 12:39am Valeed Ahmed Yes, as already explained, if someone understands the procedure, agrees to it and be competent, he can give the consent Like · Reply · 2 · July 3 at 2:49pm Angel's Dua yes since he is in good state of health who can understand the procedure so he can also give consent

Situations in which explicit consent is not required

One of these cannot be considered as an exception to direct informed consent?  A. Waiver  B. Detention under mental health act  C. Emergencies where full information cannot be given  D. Incompetent patient  E. Passively compliant patient The answer is E, passive compliance is not an exception, rather an implied consent is.  The situations in which explicit consent is not required are :  Implied consent given Necessity (harm likely, competency doubted) Emergency 

Difference between Grief Reaction and Depression

Predominant mood in grief is feelings of emptiness and loss , while in depression, one has a persistent low mood and anhedonia .  Mood in greif improves over days to weeks in waves , while it is persistent in case of depression. In greif there may be waves of positive feelings including humor as compared to depression where , there is only low mood.  The grieved person is preoccupied with memories of the deceased, depression on the other hand is characterised by the depressive cognitions of guilt, pessimism, hopelessness, worthlessness.