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Showing posts with the label Ataque de Nervios

Ataque de Nervios

Ataque de Nervios Syndrome among individuals of Latino descent prized for symptoms of intense emotional upset including acute anxiety anger or grief screaming and shouting uncontrollably attacks of crying, trembling to cry, trembling to cry, trembling to cry, trembling heart in the chest rising to the Head and becoming verbally and physically aggressive. Dissociative experience seizure-like or fainting episodes and suicidal gestures are prominent in some attacks but not in others. a general feature is a sense of being out of control. Attacks frequently occur as a direct result of a stressful event relating to the family such as news of the death of close relative conflicts with a spouse or children or witnessing an accident involving a family member. For some individuals, no social event triggers their attacks and their vulnerability to losing control comes from the accumulated appearances of suffering. Copyright Notice Adapted from Wikipedia. Text is available under the  Creative ...