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Showing posts with the label Anxiety or fear-related disorders (BlockL1‑6B0)

ICD-11 Criteria For Panic Attacks in Mood Episodes

Foundation URI : ICD-11 Criteria For Panic Attacks in Mood Episodes  6A80.1 Description In the context of a current mood episode (manic, depressive, mixed, or hypomanic), there have been recurrent panic attacks (i.e., at least two) during the past month that occur specifically in response to anxiety-provoking cognitions that are features of the mood episode. If panic attacks occur exclusively in response to such thoughts, panic attacks should be recorded using this qualifier rather than assigning an additional co-occurring diagnosis of panic disorder. If some panic attacks over the course of the depressive or mixed episode have been unexpected and not exclusively in response to depressive or anxiety-provoking thoughts, a separate diagnosis of panic disorder should be assigned. Exclusions Panic disorder (6B01) Diagnostic Requirements This specifier can be applied if, in the context of a current Episode, there have been panic attacks during the pas

ICD-11 Criteria for Anxiety or Fear-Related Disorders (BlockL1‑6B0)

ICD-11 Criteria for Anxiety or Fear-Related Disorders (BlockL1‑6B0) Anxiety and fear-related disorders are characterised by excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioural disturbances, with symptoms that are severe enough to result in significant distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. I closely related fear and anxiety phenomena; fear represents a reaction to perceived imminent threat in the present, whereas anxiety is more future-oriented, referring to perceived anticipated threat. A key differentiating feature among the Anxiety and fear-related disorders are disorder-specific foci of apprehension, that is, the stimulus or situation that triggers the fear or anxiety. The clinical presentation of Anxiety and fear-related disorders typically includes specific associated cognitions that can assist in differentiating among the disorders by clarifying the focus of apprehension. Coded Elsewh