DI ‐ II. I found four studies to assess a range of measurement properties of the BDI‐II in general population adults, without comorbid conditions. There was weak evidence in support of internal consistency—many studies did not calculate Cronbach's alpha for each subscale separately. However, all studies showed support for the internal consistency of the BDI‐II total score with acceptable alphas above (.7). There was weak evidence in support of test‐retest reliability with one fair study (as it was unclear how missing items were handled), with a high alpha (.89). There was strong evidence for content validity in one methodologically excellent study of the BDI‐II in a non-English speaking Kenyan sample. There was moderate evidence in support of structural validity from the two studies. Both studies showed fair evidence for a single factor solution. Evidence for hypothesis testing was moderate—the BDI‐II showed acceptable correlations with other depression measures (r > .57). There...