Opioid Epidemiology in Pakistan Nationwide, one per cent of the population –over one million people– were estimated to be regular opiate (heroin or opium) users. The majority (80 per cent) use heroin, while one-third (33 per cent) use opium. Opium users were slightly older (mean age 38.2, standard deviation 10.1 years) than heroin users (mean age 33.8, standard deviation 9.4 years), and more likely to live in rural environments whereas heroin users live in cities. Two-thirds of opium users and one- third of heroin users were married, and while opium users mostly live in a home (84 per cent), nearly forty per cent of heroin users living in a park/road, shrine, or a location other than a home. A daily heroin habit in Pakistan is estimated to cost between 1.50 and 3.00 USD, yet only 6.5 per cent of heroin users are employed full time. To earn money, one-third report donating/selling blood, and forty per cent report exchanging sex for drugs or money. Opiate users also often beg for money