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Leeds Dependence Questionnaire

Leeds Dependence Questionnaire Raistrick, Bradshaw, Tober, Weiner, Allison, Healey | 1994  A self-report instrument called the Leeds Dependence Questionnaire (LDQ) assesses the level of dependence in people with substance use disorders. The questionnaire was created by a research team at the University of Leeds in the UK and released for the first time in 1994. The LDQ has 20 questions that look at many aspects of drug dependence, such as how much a person's drug use gets in the way of their daily lives, how strong their need is, how important the drug is to them, and how much they can control how much they use. Usually given as a self-report questionnaire, the LDQ takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. The responses are evaluated from "not at all" to "always." The overall score, which reflects the intensity of the reliance, is created by adding the scores from each item. The LDQ has been used in numerous research to evaluate the degree of dependence in pe

The Modified Rogers Scale

The Modified Rogers Scale It rates abnormalities in movement, volition, speech, and overall behaviour and aids in the distinction of catatonic signs from similar extrapyramidal side effects. It has eleven items, out of which three or more constitute a diagnosis of catatonic syndrome. Items The following are the items included in the Modified Rogers Scale. Stupor Mutism Negativism Opposition Posturing Catalepsy Automatic obedience Echophenomena Rigidity Verbigeration Withdrawal. For information on other scales used in catatonia, see Rating Scales for Catatonia . 

The Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale

The Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale  The Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale, has been widely recommended for its ease of use and reliability and validity. In this scale, the presence of two or more signs is suggestive of catatonia. Is the most widely used instrument for catatonia. The Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale has twenty-three items, and there is also a shorter, 14-item screening version. The reliability and validity of the Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale has been established (Bush et al, 1996). The screening section marks items #1-14 as either “absent” or “present.” The full-scale rates items #1-23 on a scale of 0-3. The ratings are made based on the observed behaviours during the examination, except for completing the items for “withdrawal” and “autonomic abnormality,” which may be based upon either observed b behaviours/or chart documentation. Rate items only if well defined. If uncertain, rate the item as “0”. Using the Bush–Francis Catatonia Rating Scale, 32% of

SCAS Preschool Scale

SCAS Preschool Scale A validated, parent-rated version of SCAS is appropriate for youth ages 3-6. The measure comprises six subscales. Clinicians can administer this measure in five to ten minutes. They rated each item on a 4-point Likert scale from zero (“Never”) to three (“Always”).  The youth self-report version shows high internal consistency (α = .92-.93), adequate test-retest reliability over six months (α=.60), and high concurrent validity with the RCMAS (Reynolds & Richmond, 1978; Spence, 1998). The parent-report version correlates significantly with the youth self-report version and the DSM-IV-TR criteria of the anxiety disorders associated with the SCAS subscales. The SCAS is available in over 20 languages (e.g., Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and Japanese). 

Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS)

 Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) A 44-item measure with a self-report and a parent-report version for youths aged 7—19. It assesses symptoms associated with: GAD,  Panic disorder Social phobia,  Seasonal affective disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder Physical injury fears Uses The SCAS can be used as  A screening tool  A diagnostic tool Monitoring symptom changes over time.

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): Brief Description and Interpretation

Brief Description and Interpretation of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test  Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) was developed by the WHO; the total number of items is 10. The maximum score of each item is 4. The minimum is 0, so the total score is 10x4=40, and the minimum is 0. Item 0 to 8 has a scoring of 0,1,2,3,4 i.e. five anchors while item 8 and nine has 3 anchors each with scoring of 0,2,4. It is used to assess alcohol consumption, drinking behaviours, and alcohol-related problems. It is most suited for primary care physicians and shows good sensitivity and specificity. If the score is above 8. Download the AUDIT

Symptoms and Functioning Severity Scale (SFSS): A Summary Scoring and Interpretation

Symptoms and Functioning Severity Scale (SFSS) The key measure of therapy success is the Symptoms and Functioning Severity Scale (SFSS).1  This scale examines the intensity of general symptoms and symptoms related to children and adolescents' most prevalent mental health problems (ADHD, CD, ODD, depression, and anxiety).  It comprises a 5-point Likert scale for each item ("never," "rarely," "occasionally," "frequently," and "very often"). A total score, an externalising score, and an internalising score are all provided by the SFSS. Youngster, caregiver, and clinician versions are available.  A 26-item version (SFSS-Full) and 2 other variations (SFSS Short Form A and Short Form B) are the different versions. Therapists apply these later 2 versions during alternate therapy sessions to assess change over a short period (i.e., weekly or biweekly sessions). Bibliography Bickman L, Athay M, Riemer M, et al. Manual of the Peabody treatmen

Clock Drawing Test: A Neuropsychological Assessment Tool

Clock Drawing Test: A Neuropsychological Assessment Tool Introduction The Clock Drawing Test (CDT) is a simple and quick neuropsychological assessment tool that can help identify cognitive impairments in patients with conditions such as dementia, stroke, and brain injury. The test has been used for over 50 years as a quick and easy way to assess various aspects of cognitive function, including visuospatial ability, executive function, and language skills. How does the CDT work? The test is conducted by asking the patient to draw a simple clock face on a blank piece of paper and place the numbers in the correct order. The patient is then asked to place the hands on the clock to indicate a specific time, such as 10 after 11. The clock drawing can be scored based on specific criteria, including the presence of numbers and the placement of the hands. What does the CDT measure? The CDT is used to assess several aspects of cognitive function, including visuospatial ability, executive functio