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Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs

Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs Get Through MRCPsych Parts 1 and 2: 1001 EMIQs is an excellent and essential revision guide for all candidates taking the Membership examinations. This is one of the first EMIQ books for the MRCPsych examinations. The Editor, Albert Michael, has written several successful MRCPsych texts and is a Consultant Psychiatrist. He and his team of 16 international contributors have created a unique selection of 1001 questions spread over the 200 themes which form the MRCPsych syllabus. Topics featured include: learning theory * diagnosis of eating disorders * uncommon syndromes * delerium * memory disorders * cognitive function tests * psychometry * couple therapy * drug dosing * mood stabilisers * dynamics of adverse effects * management of schizophrenia * child abuse * developmental syndromes * statistical concepts

Practice MCQs for MRCPsych Paper B

Practice MCQs for MRCPsych Paper B MCQs on Trauma Which of the following is part of a psychosocial intervention where the person seeking help witnessed the death of a loved one to violence?  Choose the best answer: They should talk about the incident as much as possible, even if they do not want to It is normal to grieve for any major loss, and in most cases, grief will diminish over time Avoid discussing any mourning process, such as culturally appropriate ceremonies/rituals, as it may upset them further Refer to a specialist within one week of the incident if they are still experiencing symptoms Source mhGAP training manuals for the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings- version 2.0 (for eld testing). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (WHO/MSD/MER/17.6). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.

Child Psychiatry MCQ for MRCPsych Paper B

Child Psychiatry MCQ for MRCPsych Paper B A 7-year-old child came with his mother to your Outpatient clinic for assessment because of ongoing difficulties for the past 1 year. The mother shared that the child is always on the go and cannot sit still. Recently, he nearly had an accident when he dashed across the traffic junction. The school report card mentions he is inattentive most of the time. What psychometric tool will you apply in this case? CY-BOCS CONNORS ADOS DISCO CDI

The Gene associated with antisocial behaviour

Criminal behavior, lack of guilt, and irritability are typical features of antisocial personality disorder. Evidence suggests that a low-activity variant of the MAO-A gene predisposes to adult antisocial behavior in men, especially in those who faced early adversity 1–4 . Catechol-O-methyltransferase enzyme metabolizes dopamine and other monoamines. Its gene, the COMT-gene, occurs in two forms: a high-activity form and a low-activity form. They associate these variants with differential abilities of the prefrontal cortex, especially working memory. People with low-activity form may have a more efficient prefrontal cortex, likely because of the greater dopamine level in the synaptic space 5,6 . We have associated serotonin transporter gene variants with neuroticism and a predisposition to depression. The variants may also influence individual response to SSRIs8. APOE4 gene is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (compared to APOE2 and APOE3).

Mechanism of Dementia in Downs Syndrome

Which of the following is responsible for dementia seen in adults with Down’s syndrome? A. Loss of genetic material in chromosome 21 B. Extra genetic material in chromosome 21 C. Genetic material lost from chromosome 14 D. Loss of genetic material corresponding to presenilin -1 E. Loss of genetic material corresponding to Apoe4 Ok extra genetic material is the correct answer. The gene that codes for b amyloid is located on chromosome 21. Since down syndrome is due to trisomy 21 so there is increased amount of genetic material that production of its product proteins. Product protein of the APP gene located on chromosome 21 is beta amyloid that is central to the aetiology of alzheimers

Abnormal Body Image in Anorexia

The beleif in anorexia nervosa about body image is an example of ?  Delusion Over valued idea Obsession Answer: Delusion requires a beleif to be culturally unacceptable and illogical, in addition to being false or being held on inadequate grounds. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts considered to be false by the patient. The answer is overvalued idea. 

Steps to take when consent to medical treatment is refused

Patient refuses consent to medical treatment. The doctor must now confirm two things. One is patient's competence and the other is ?  Outcome of the condition without treatment  Age of the patient Voluntary nature of the decision   Answer: 3, the steps are : Check competence of the patient  Ensure that the patient is not under the influence of relatives but rather has made a voluntary decision Check the patient's concenrs and understanding of the situation Explain everything once again If still refuse, it is there right to do so. 

Situations in which explicit consent is not required

One of these cannot be considered as an exception to direct informed consent?  A. Waiver  B. Detention under mental health act  C. Emergencies where full information cannot be given  D. Incompetent patient  E. Passively compliant patient The answer is E, passive compliance is not an exception, rather an implied consent is.  The situations in which explicit consent is not required are :  Implied consent given Necessity (harm likely, competency doubted) Emergency 

Vignette: Most Effective Treatment for a Man with Sudden Episodes of Anxiety

Vignette: Most Effective Treatment for a Man with Sudden Episodes of Anxiety A 30-year-old man presented with episodes of sudden anxiety, palpitations, chest tightness, and a feeling of impending doom. These episodes occur about 4-5 times per month for the last 7 months and last about 10 minutes on average. They have carried his physical examination and laboratory evaluation out, which is inconclusive about biological causation for his condition.  What would be the most effective treatment option? Cognitive therapy  Fluoxetine Imipramine Amitriptyline  Cognitive Behavior Therapy Controlled studies have shown that cognitive therapy is at least as effective as antidepressant medication in the treatment of the panic disorder (Mitte, 2005). Combined treatment with medication and psychotherapy may cause a better response in the acute phase than either treatment modality given alone, but probably not in the longer term. In the longer-term medication alone may have a less g...