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Showing posts from May, 2023

Get Through MRCPsych CASC

Get Through MRCPsych CASC Get Through MRCPsych CASC" is an excellent book for anyone preparing for the MRCPsych CASC examination. This book is written by a team of experienced authors who have a deep understanding of the examination format and the key competencies required to succeed. The book is well-structured and covers all the major areas that are tested in the MRCPsych CASC exam. The content is presented in a concise and easy-to-read manner, with clear explanations and practical examples to illustrate key points. One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on clinical scenarios, which are central to the MRCPsych CASC exam. The authors have included a wide range of scenarios, covering a variety of psychiatric disorders and clinical situations. Each scenario is accompanied by detailed guidance on how to approach the case, including tips on how to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals. The book also provides helpful advice on how to mana

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of School Refusal This MRCPsych CASC Sample Case assesses a child's refusal to attend school. It is important to consider several key factors when evaluating the situation. First, it is crucial to determine the age of the child and whether they desired to attend the scheduled appointment. It is also important to determine who is currently responsible for their care and if they have any connections to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or social services. The duration of the child's refusal to attend school should also be considered, as well as the different perspectives on the cause of the refusal from the child, their parents, and the school. It is important to determine if the child is refusing other situations. If the child is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety, it is important to note that they may have worries about the safety of their caregiver and follow them closely in all situations. It is also important to assess the pote

Somatic Delusions

Somatic Delusions Introduction: Somatic delusions are a delusion that can significantly impact a person's perception of their body and bodily functions. In this note, we will examine the definition, prevalence, causes, and treatment of somatic delusions. Definition: Somatic delusions are delusions in which an individual has a false belief or conviction about their body or bodily functions. The belief can manifest in various ways, such as a belief that the individual has a serious illness or medical condition, that parts of their body are missing or not functioning correctly, or infested with parasites or insects. Prevalence: Somatic delusions are commonly associated with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or major depressive disorder with psychotic features. In addition, somatic delusions can also occur in medical conditions that affect the brain, such as dementia or traumatic brain injury. Causes: The precise cause of somatic delusions is not entirel

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department

MRCPsych CASC: Assessment of an aggressive Patient in the Emergency Department Scenario: A patient with a severe psychiatric disorder has become aggressive. You have been called to assess him in the psychiatric emergency department.  Introduction  Assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder can be a challenging task, especially if the patient is aggressive. It is essential to approach the assessment with caution and to prioritize the safety of both the patient and the assessing psychiatrist. Here are the steps for assessing a patient with a severe psychiatric disorder: Establish rapport:  The first step is to establish a rapport with the patient. This can be done by introducing oneself and explaining the purpose of the assessment. For example, the trainee psychiatrist can say, "Hello, I am Dr. [Name]. I am here to talk to you and assess how you are feeling." Gather information: The next step is to gather information about the patient's current symptoms and past

MRCPsych CASC: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative

CASC Notes: Emergency Assessment of an Angry or Anxious Patient or Relative As you enter the station, it is important to show your badge to the examiner and nod while saying a quiet "Thanks". When you meet the relative or patient, they may be standing up, so it's best to start by taking a seat yourself. You can say, "Hello, my name is Dr Waleed. Thank you so much for agreeing to see me today. Do you mind if I take a seat?" Starting with a calm and friendly approach is crucial in building rapport with the patient or relative. You can say, "First of all, thank you so much for coming to see me today. Good communication between patients or relatives and the psychiatry team is very important to us, and we value it greatly." You can also express your empathy and acknowledge their difficult situation by saying, "I can't imagine how difficult it must be as a mother/father/sister/carer to see your loved one suffering like this." If the relative or