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Difference between Flight of ideas & Pressure of thoughts:

What is the difference between flight of ideas and pressure of thoughts.  C o mments: Abbas Sepah; This usually is used in the same context but I think Flight of ideas is related with abnormality of thoughts while the other is abnormality of speech Sanam Munir; flight of ideas as seen in mania.. there is a continuous stream of thoughts or ideas going from one to another.. while pressure of thoughts I believe is that the person can not say everything thy want to..  Correct answer:   Pressure of thoughts is considered a disorder of stream of thoughts. Ideas passing through the mind quickly and in abundance. If the patient speaks them as they come, it is then known as pressure of speech. Flight of ideas is considered a disorder of form of thought. The basic error is that patient is jumping from topic to topic, which are connected to each other.

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome Clinical features >> Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. Multiple vocal and motor tics  Starting before the age of 18 and  Persisting for a duration of at least one year We have excluded other causes of tics. LOSE Learning difficulties  Overactivity  Social problems  Emotional disturbances Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines (13th Edition)  They recommend  alpha-2 agonists  such as Clonidine or Guanfacine as the first-line pharmacological treatment for Tics and Tourette Syndrome  American Family Physicians and Canadian Guidelines Antipsychotics possess a variety of serious adverse effects (Pringsheim et al., 2012) and even though the evidence base for them is strong, we use them in cases not responding to alpha-2 agonists. References Taylor, D. (2018). The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines. The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines.  Kenney, C., Kuo, S.-H., & Jimenez-Shahed, J. (2008). Tourette’s syndro

Cognitive Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis

Impairment of learning, abstraction, memory, and problem-solving occur in patients with multiple sclerosis. These impairments are present in 40% of patients with multiple sclerosis in the community. Sometimes, it is an early manifestation.  Mostly the impairments are seen later in the course. The impairments are mild and progress slowly.  Well-practiced verbal skills are often preserved.  Cognitive impairment correlates with total lesion load and degree of callosal atrophy on brain imaging.  LAMP L earning A bstraction M emory P roblem-solving