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Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 3

Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 3 Palaniyappan, L. and Krishnadas, R. Published: 25 March 2010 Following the recent changes to the syllabus and MRCPsych exam by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, this book contains 450 multiple-choice questions to help psychiatry trainees to prepare for Paper 3 of the exam. Supporting these MCQs are detailed explanatory answers and revision notes referenced to the key textbooks used by trainees. The book's content matches the MRCPsych syllabus and includes practice papers for true exam preparation. Reference Type:  Book Record Number: 508 Author: Palaniyappan, L. and Krishnadas, R. Year: 2010 Title: Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 3 Publisher: OUP Oxford Short Title: Best of Five MCQs for MRCPsych Paper 3 ISBN: 9780199553617

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Object Constancy

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Get Through MRCPsych CASC

Get Through MRCPsych CASC Get Through MRCPsych CASC" is an excellent book for anyone preparing for the MRCPsych CASC examination. This book is written by a team of experienced authors who have a deep understanding of the examination format and the key competencies required to succeed. The book is well-structured and covers all the major areas that are tested in the MRCPsych CASC exam. The content is presented in a concise and easy-to-read manner, with clear explanations and practical examples to illustrate key points. One of the key strengths of this book is its focus on clinical scenarios, which are central to the MRCPsych CASC exam. The authors have included a wide range of scenarios, covering a variety of psychiatric disorders and clinical situations. Each scenario is accompanied by detailed guidance on how to approach the case, including tips on how to communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals. The book also provides helpful advice on how to mana

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Somatic Delusions

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