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What is the approximate salary package in the psychiatric department for a junior doctor?

Is it different from the ED salary packge for a junior SHO level? My current packge is 42,969 plus 50% banding = 64,453 per annum in emergency duty, junior level non-trainee post. Will it decrease if I move to a non-trainee SHO (speciality house officer) post in the same trust in psychiatry? £64,000 is a good salary for a junior doctor. The salary packages depend on level of responsibility and frequency of oncalls. All jobs advertised will have a range & given your previous experience you can ask them to give you higher side of the range It will definitely go down but you will have more time and more work life balance,—more valuable than money. I assume your salary is so high as there is so much unsocialable hours. I imagine base salary will be the same but total less as just some twilights, night and weekends- normal day will be 9-5. It should say pay in the job description

Can you apply for the MTI UK Scheme before passing MRCPsych?

You do not need to pass MRCPsych paper-A or Paper B before you apply for the MTI. You can apply to the program before passing any part of the MRCPsych exams. The following are your requirements to enter the MTI scheme.  GMC-recognized primary medical qualification from an internationally accepted medical institution.  An acceptable internship (or equivalent) of 12 months.  Three years of experience working in Psychiatry in the last five years.  Working in psychiatry for the last year.  A score of 7.5 in IELTS academic or grade b on OET taken in the last 18 months.   You have received or will work towards a postgraduate qualification in psychiatry.

What was the 1970s psychoanalytic approach to children with autism?

The 1970s psychoanalytic approach: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), based on operant-conditioning, target behaviors (excess of unwanted and or deficits of wanted) are modified with reinforcement approximations ( shaping ). Applied behavior analysis, also called behavioral engineering, applying empirical approaches based upon the principles of respondent and operant conditioning to change behavior of social significance. It is the applied form of behavior analysis; the other two forms are radical behaviorism and the experimental analysis of behavior. (Wikipedia)