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What are the psychoanalytic approaches to the treatment of patients with autism?

Holding therapy (Tinbergen 1983): A failure to bond Parent holds child to cause the autistic defense to crumble. Humanistic play therapy (Axline 1965): Encouraged the expression of feelings through play and unconditional positive regard. OPTIONS (Kaufman 1976) Parents spent every waking hour with child follow child lead

Factors that Obstruct Effective Communication

Factors that Obstruct Effective Communication The following factors can interfere with effective communication during clinical assessment.  Lack of exclusivity, for example, assessment on the bedside inside a unit of 20 patients.  Anxiety by a doctor, because of which divides their attention and concentrating, not the assessment is difficult.  Awkward seating that makes it difficult to relax while assessing a patient.  Lack of attention to the nonverbal cues Offensive remarks. Frequent interruptions.  Selective listening. Daydreaming.