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Delirium Tremens

Delirium Tremens Delirium Tremens is an emergent situation, that we may regard as the most severe form of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. In most cases, it occurs after long-term heavy use. It may also occur in patients who stop benzodiazepines.  In most cases, it occurs after long-term heavy use of alcohol.  Presentation Psychological and behavioural manifestations Rapidly changing picture Clouding of Consciousness Disorientation Disorganised mental activity Short term memory disturbance Perceptual abnormalities Hallucinations Visual misinterpretations Illusions Cocaine bugs (formication) Behavioural manifestations Agitation Shouting Restlessness Fear Sleeplessness  Physical Manifestations General Physical Dehydration Electrolyte disturbances Autonomic Manifestations Autonomic manifestations of delirium tremens differentiate it from delirium (acute confusional state) that occurs because of organic causes other than substance use and alcohol withdrawal.  Sweating  Fever tachycardia Raised

How much daily sleep do you need ?

You need about 7-8 hours of sleep per 24-hour cycle. Some people, however, are short sleepers and need much less. With aging, your daily requirement of sleep decreases. If you feel fresh in the day, you are getting adequate amount of sleep.  If you are sleep-deprived, you are prone to a number of adverse physical and mental health outcomes. 

Improving Medication Compliance in Psychiatric Patients

 Improving Medication Compliance Mnemonic : Informed Decision Activated Concerning Schizophrenia.  We should give Information before starting the medications. This should include the name, mechanism of action, effects, and side effects of the drugs.  The patient should actively take part in the decision , and he should actively discuss the information with the clinician.  At each visit, the clinician should ask the patient should if they have any CONCERNS or questions about the drug which he should address.  Family therapy for SCHIZOPHRENIA.