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Cognitive Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis

Impairment of learning, abstraction, memory, and problem-solving occur in patients with multiple sclerosis. These impairments are present in 40% of patients with multiple sclerosis in the community. Sometimes, it is an early manifestation.  Mostly the impairments are seen later in the course. The impairments are mild and progress slowly.  Well-practiced verbal skills are often preserved.  Cognitive impairment correlates with total lesion load and degree of callosal atrophy on brain imaging.  LAMP L earning A bstraction M emory P roblem-solving

Clinical features of complex partial sezires, Mnemonic

"P ardon DJ H ell, you are P roducing GAS that is AFFE Cting A ll the F earful TEDS, C o ST ing them M aDness"  P erceptual: D istorted perceptions, D eja Vu J amais Vu H allucinations  P sychomotor G rimacing and other body movements  A utomatisms S tereotyped behaviors A ffective F ear and anxiety E uphoric or ecstatic states A utonomic and visceral  F lushing T achycrdia  E pigastric aura D izziness Other bodily S ensations C ognitive S peech disturbances T hought disturbances M emory disturbances D epersonalization, d erealization 

What is the difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?

To clear the concept, these two are the major Differentiating points b/w Negative reinforcement and Punishment1) Negative reinforcement strengthen a response while punishment weaken/decreases a response. 2) Negative reinforcement involves removal of unpleasant stimulus while punishment is presentation of an unpleasant stimulus.

Better imaging study for the assement of change in behavior

Patient has change in behavior. Would it be preferable to use CT with contrast or without contrast for assessment ?LikeShow more reactions Comments Sarmad Mushtaq Ct withcontrast  Immo Mani With contrast Valeed Ahmed Yess with contrast,,, inflammation and tumors etc can create change in behavior that can be better viewed by contrast enhanced CT, contrast agents can not enter the BB barrier except in arease of inflamation where the barrier is damages ir tumor where it is not formed,,,so the contrast enters there very well, making the area distinct due to more absroption of radiation