Monoamine Hypothesis of Depression What does the theory say the depressive disorder is caused by? An imbalance in the monoamine neurotransmitters Monoamine hypothesis dep What kind of imbalance takes place>? A decrease Monoamine hypothesis dep What are the nt involved? Nor-adrenaline, serotonin, dopamine Monoamine hypothesis dep What was noticed in the 1950s? Drugs that decreased these particular nt caused symptoms similar to depressive disorder Monoamine hypothesis dep What are the characteristics associated with nor-adrenaline? Sleeping, energy, motivation, emotion Monoamine hypothesis dep Characteristics of serotonin>? Mood control, sleeping, hunger Monoamine hypothesis dep What other job does serotonin do? Regulates adrenaline Monoamine hypothesis dep What happens if there is a low level of serotonin? Low level of adrenaline, lack of motivation and pleasure Monoamine hypothesis dep Characteristics of dopamine? Emotion, add