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MRI pulses create images similar to CT:

Which MRI pulses create images similar to CT T1 T2 Correct Answer: T1 images is the correct answer. T1 pulses are brief and the data is collected for brief amount of time. Areas with high hydrogen in hydrophillic environment appear Dark. e.g. CSF. Fat tissue on the other hand appear dark. T1 is also the only MRI technology that can be enhanced by contrast agent Gadolinium.

Difference between Flight of ideas & Pressure of thoughts:

What is the difference between flight of ideas and pressure of thoughts.  C o mments: Abbas Sepah; This usually is used in the same context but I think Flight of ideas is related with abnormality of thoughts while the other is abnormality of speech Sanam Munir; flight of ideas as seen in mania.. there is a continuous stream of thoughts or ideas going from one to another.. while pressure of thoughts I believe is that the person can not say everything thy want to..  Correct answer:   Pressure of thoughts is considered a disorder of stream of thoughts. Ideas passing through the mind quickly and in abundance. If the patient speaks them as they come, it is then known as pressure of speech. Flight of ideas is considered a disorder of form of thought. The basic error is that patient is jumping from topic to topic, which are connected to each other.