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MRCPsych Paper B: 600 MCQs and EMIs

MRCPsych Paper B: 600 MCQs and EMIs MRCPsych examination has changed from Paper 1,2,3 to Paper A and B and the first-ever sitting of the `Paper B' examination was on 14th April 2015.  MRCPsych Paper B: 600 MCQs and EMIs is the sole review book that covers the new Paper B examination syllabus.  This book comprises 3 full test papers; 2 matching the syllabus to help with revision and one unstructured to provide authentic mock examination paper practice.  MRCPsych Paper B: 600 MCQs and EMIs offer the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of practice questions for trainees preparing for the new MRCPsych Paper B. they have plotted the questions  plotted per the syllabus to present organised revisions on all the key topics, allowing readers to focus on areas of weakness.  Featuring a wealth of practice questions and answers, this book is an essential revision tool to maximise the chances of examination success. Key Points 600 MCQs and EMIs reflect the breadth of topics encountered

Extended-Matching Items

Extended matching items   What are the extended matching questions and how many can you expect in the MRCPsych Exam? An extended-matching items/question  ( EMI  or  EMQ ) is a written examination format similar to multiple-choice questions but with one key difference, that they test knowledge in a far more applied, in-depth, sense. We often use it in medical education and other healthcare subject areas to test diagnostic reasoning. Structure The structure has three key elements: Answer option list Sources suggest using a minimum of eight answer options for a  ratio  of five  scenarios  or  vignettes  to ensure that the probability of getting the correct answer by chance remains reasonably low. [1]  The logical number of realistic options should dictate the exact number of answer options. The logical number of realistic options should dictate the exact number of answer options. This ensures that the test item has authenticity and  validity . Lead-in question: This should be as specific

Preparing for MRCPsych Paper B with Parsa Amin

Preparing for MRCPsych Paper B with Parsa Amin I passed paper B using an online exam in October and thought I’d just share what I did while it’s still fresh in my brain so it can help a few. I had an extremely comfortable pass & this is what I did. 1. SPMM Qbank - as I meant to do this exam in March 2020 (Thanks COVID19)- I ended up doing the Qbank average 4 - 5 times. (I didn’t study between March 2020-May2020). I technically did 4 months before this exam knowledge from previous revision pre-March 2020. I used google/ NICE guidelines to read up on only topics I didn’t understand. Focus on EMI’s on SPMM the month before the exam - if you are scoring well, it shows you know your stuff. SPMM 13 timed mocks (they updated it to simulate a real exam, worth the price) - did only once- timed like in the exam situation, I sat them using the area I sat the actual exam. Cambridge Critical Appraisal course - I also did it twice as I was meant to take an exam in March. SPMM statistics videos -

Diagnostic Formulation

Diagnostic formulation What is the diagnostic formulation?? We use a diagnostic formulation to integrate and better evaluate the information we have obtained from the assessment of the patient. It has these components: The problem Differential diagnosis Etiology Management Prognosis


Pneumoencephalography Pneumoencephalography (sometimes abbreviated PEG, and some knew it as an "air study") was a common medical procedure in which they would drain most of the cerebrospinal fluid from around the brain with a lumbar puncture and replaced it with air, oxygen, or helium to allow the structure of the brain to show up more clearly on an X-ray image.  They derived it from ventriculography , an earlier and more primitive method where they would inject the air through holes drilled in the skull.

Non-evidence-based Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders

The non-evidence-based treatments for Autism Spectrum disorders What are some non-evidence-based treatments for children with autism spectrum disorders? The following is a list of non-evidence-based treatments for autism spectrum disorders that are in common use.   Facilitated communication (not recommended) Holding therapy (not recommended) Sensory integration therapy,  Gluten-free/ casein-free diet,  Auditory integration training,  Chelation treatment,  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy,  Alternative biomedical treatments