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Psychotherapy session is ending abruptly

pllz give your ideas Read the following case scenario carefully Khalid came to Mr. Jamil, a counselor working in a local hospital, with the presenting complaints of  having anger, difficulty in maintaining relationships, feeling of being alone and lack of interest in daily activities. Khalid also reported himself to be restricting in his social activities since the death of his wife. Counselor developed a management plan for Kahlid for six sessions in which he used different behavioral and cognitive techniques. On the sixth session (the last session) with Khalid the counselor told him that today he will terminate the counseling however he can come for the follow up sessions. But Khalid told the counselor that still he does not find himself able enough to quit counseling sessions. However counselor was of the view that six sessions were more than enough to get out of his problem and now he should practice what he had learned during the course of counseling. Now answer the following ques

Types of learning theories in this case

Comments   Valeed Ahmed Apart from observational learning theory,is there any other theory applicable here   Rabia Jihan Classical Conditioning Sanam Munir Operant learning Precious Faimii opernt conditionning, *punishment   Valeed Ahmed Operant? Punishment is not a reinforcer   Precious Faimii 4 types of reinforcemnt,, negative reinforcer, positive reinforcer, punishment and extinction.,,,    if i m not wrong   Valeed Ahmed Yep u r right   Noor Noor Classical conditioning Angel's Dua Classical conditioning,    first of all its important to evaluate the problem of the child before applying any technique, i.e to see what is the cause of his this beh,,,   then according to the problem solve the issue,,,,  u may apply positive reinforcement to encourage the positive beh and negative reinforcement to reduce negative beh   Brothers Doll Operant therapy as well as observation is too much important... bcoz through observation we know better those factors which disturb

Pathological jealousy; a symptom or syndrome ?

Pathological jealousy is a paranoid symptom or syndrome ? Comments Inam Ul Haque Masood I believe it is a syndrome as it is a constellation of symptoms which gives uniqueness to the syndrome Abbas Sepah The other name is Othello's syndrome, so it's a syndrome Valeed Ahmed Yeah othello s :D,    Have heard this name dozens of times.  ok it is a syndrome as there is a group of systematized symptoms consitent with the central theme of the delusion and not just the delusion

Mentally ill patient needs medical treatment

An adult patient is severely depressed refuses get treated for HCV infection. How should this patient be dealt with ? First treat depression and then for HCV Treat for HCV and depression without consent Obtain a court order to treat for both Comments Anam Najam First treat depression and then for HCV Waleed   Ahmed When a mentally ill patient refuses consent to medical treatment, the steps are Step 1 treat the psychiatric condition Step 2 treat the medical condition If psychiatric condition can not be treated, consider legal action e.g. Court order or consent from relative Angel's Dua agreed

Mechanism of Dementia in Downs Syndrome

Which of the following is responsible for dementia seen in adults with Down’s syndrome? A. Loss of genetic material in chromosome 21 B. Extra genetic material in chromosome 21 C. Genetic material lost from chromosome 14 D. Loss of genetic material corresponding to presenilin -1 E. Loss of genetic material corresponding to Apoe4 Ok extra genetic material is the correct answer. The gene that codes for b amyloid is located on chromosome 21. Since down syndrome is due to trisomy 21 so there is increased amount of genetic material that production of its product proteins. Product protein of the APP gene located on chromosome 21 is beta amyloid that is central to the aetiology of alzheimers